Biden Betting Odds

Posted : admin On 3/24/2022

Joe Biden has officially taken over the limelight at the best online betting sites for Presidential election odds. Of course, political props are notorious for staying up on the betting boards for all of 20 minutes, so you’ll want to jump on these ASAP. Joe Biden Betting Odds 2024 You can wager on the 2024 Joe Biden odds at any top offshore sportsbook that offers election betting, and you'll want to shop around for the best possible payouts. You can also bet on J oe Biden impeachment odds, which are trending of late. I also like odds 7/4 on Biden winning the popular vote by 10 per cent or more. My prediction is 9 per cent – 53.5 vs 44.5 – but I reckon it is likelier to be higher than lower.


Well, it’s officially official: Donald Trump is finished.

Yeah, he might be President for another 36 hours or so, but he’s done.

Trump, #YoureFired! (In before the Twitter trend…)

How do we know?

Well, it’s simple, really. Today is the first time in the last half decade that you won’t find any Trump odds online.

Joe Biden has officially taken over the limelight at the best online betting sites for Presidential election odds.

Of course, political props are notorious for staying up on the betting boards for all of 20 minutes, so you’ll want to jump on these ASAP.

The best site for betting on tomorrow’s Biden inauguration is BetOnline, which has posted several amusing (albeit mostly vanilla) Joe Biden odds for your viewing and gambling pleasure.

2021 Joe Biden Inauguration Odds

Via BetOnline

Will Joe Biden put the wrong hand on the Bible during his Presidential Oath?

  • No -20000
  • Yes +1600

Joe Biden has been inaugurated into office every few years for the better part of a half century, so there’s no reason to think he’d put the wrong hand on the Bible.

In fact, such an error would be a first for any President.

That said, the betting limits in play at BetOnline mean that this wager isn’t going to pay out more than a dollar or two, even if you risk the maximum.

For that reason alone, we advise saving your money for some of the more valuable political props to follow.

Will Joe Biden wear a face covering during his Presidential Oath?

  • No -5000
  • Yes +1200

Biden didn’t wear a mask during the Presidential debates, so it’s unlikely that he’ll wear one here, particularly with the whole world watching.

Still, masks have become a kind of political statement and Democratic policy platform over the last year, so it wouldn’t really be a surprise to see Biden wear one during the Oath itself.

As with the above wager, the favorite pays out too little to interest us. However, since there’s a chance Biden will mask up for the ceremony, we like the payout on “Yes” at +1200.

How many words will Joe Biden flub during his Presidential Oath?

  • Under 0.5 -200
  • Over 0.5 +150

The Presidential Oath of Office is 39 words long, and it goes like this:

“I do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

It seems straightforward enough. We like the under at -200.

How long will Joe Biden take to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

  • Under 17.5 seconds -140
  • Over 17.5 seconds +100

Most people take about 10-12 seconds to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, even when speaking relatively slowly.

We like the under at -140 odds.

What will Joe Biden say first during his inauguration speech?

  • God -180
  • Faith +140

This is a very tough call, especially since the two words are so intimately linked in spirit and theme.

Biden will likely say both, but contextually, it could go either way.


Our gut agrees with the bettors on the favorite, though it’s really a coin-flip. And because of that, we’ll take the better payout on “Faith” at +140.

What will Joe Biden say first during his inauguration speech?

  • America -140
  • Nation +100

“America” should be the clear favorite here, and it is.

Even more, we like the payout at -140, as this opened the day at -120 and should continue to climb until betting closes.

What will Joe Biden say first during his inauguration speech?

  • Future -175
  • Journey +135

As far as we’re concerned, this is absolutely another betting line that’s in clear “coin-flip” territory.

As always, when that happens, we like to take the better payout on the underdog.

“Journey” at +135 is where we’re putting our money.

At what point will Joe Biden first say “America United” in his inauguration speech?

  • 10:00 minutes or more-125
  • 5:00-9:59 minutes +125
  • 0:01-4:59 minutes +200

This one is too esoteric to make even an educated guess. We’re staying away, but if we had to go on this line, we’d take the biggest payout on the first five minutes.

Will Joe Biden say “Scranton” in his inauguration speech?

Biden Betting Odds
  • No -250
  • Yes +170

Biden is from Scranton, and Pennsylvania was instrumental in his electoral victory, so a shoutout to the hometown seems inevitable. Plus, as the underdog, it’s a got a compelling payout.

We like “Yes” at +170.

Will Joe and Jill Biden kiss on the lips?

  • No -350
  • Yes +225

Honestly, this seems inevitable and perfectly appropriate, so we can’t understand why it isn’t the favorite here. We definitely like the “Yes” at +225.

How many words will be in Joe Biden’s inauguration speech?

  • Over 1500 Words -1000
  • Under 1500 Words +550

1500 words isn’t particularly long, even by short speech standards. As such, the over makes a lot of sense.

But really, it’s just a matter of whether or not the BetOnline limits in play make the risk on something so uncertain worth it for your bottom line.

We’re passing, but we tend to agree with the bettors here.

Will the value of Bitcoin be up or down at 4:30 PM EST on 1/20/21?

  • Up -160
  • Down +120

Finally, a prop that really matters. At least, if you’re hodling Bitcoin.

We are, and the cryptocurrency has been enjoying a Biden-fueled ride to new heights since the President-elect beat Trump back in November.

It might be wishful thinking on our part, but we’re taking the “Up” at -160.

And when we win, we’re buying more Bitcoin!

© Provided by Benzinga

The 2020 presidential election is still not decided. As states were called Tuesday night, the betting odds for President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden shifted drastically.

What To Know: Biden entered election night as the odds on favorite to win the 2020 presidential election. On Election Day, Biden had a 67% chance to beat Trump, according to Action Network.

Oddsshark listed Biden as the favorite at 6 p.m. ET and he stayed ahead until 9:25 p.m. Biden’s odds dropped from 7:20 p.m. until Wednesday morning.

By 10:30 p.m., Trump’s odds to win re-election soared and he became the odds on favorite to win with an implied probability of 88.5%.

The morning after the election is seeing Biden as the favorite to win the election. Oddsshark lists Biden with a 77.8% win probability as of 7:30 a.m.. Odds from Betfair via Action Network list Biden with a 76.9% win probability as of 8 a.m.

More than $515 million was bet on the U.S. presidential race at Betfair as of Wednesday morning.

Related Link: 30 Stocks And ETFs To Watch After 2020 Election Day

What’s Next: Several states are still tabulating vote counts and their races have not been called. As of Wednesday morning, the electoral vote count stood at 224 for Joe Biden and 213 for Donald Trump. A total of 270 electoral votes is needed to win.

Betfair will keep betting open on the 2020 presidential election until a winner is declared or a candidate concedes.

Trump Vs Biden Betting Odds Today 2017

Predictit, which offers wagering on the election lists Biden at 77 cents and Trump at 29 cents. The winner will pay out 100 cents on the wager.

Current Betting Odds Biden 2020

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